
Three Big Companies Facing Legal Battles Over Assault Cases

In recent years, some of the world’s most renowned companies have found themselves embroiled in legal battles over assault cases. These cases have brought to light the darker side of corporate culture. They have also sparked significant discussions about workplace safety, corporate responsibility, and the pervasive issue of assault.

This article explores three big companies currently under legal scrutiny for assault cases. It highlights the details of the allegations, the responses from these corporations, and the broader implications for businesses worldwide.

Uber Technologies Inc.

Uber, the global ride-sharing giant, has faced numerous assault allegations over the past few years, primarily involving sexual assaults by drivers against passengers. According to TorHoerman Law, from 2017 to 2020, nearly 10,000 sexual assaults were reported involving Uber. 

A significant Uber sexual assault lawsuit was filed in 2019 involving Lyssa Broomfield. She is a fashion student who was allegedly assaulted by her Uber driver in Los Angeles in November of that year. 

After a day of celebrations, heavily intoxicated, she called an Uber to get home safely, as reported by NBC Bay Area. What followed was a nightmare: instead of ensuring her safe arrival, the Uber driver allegedly took advantage of her vulnerable state. 

Despite her attempts to return home, Lyssa Broomfield was forced to remain in the vehicle for an extended period. She was in and out of consciousness during this time, eventually ending up in a random parking lot. 

The incident left Broomfield traumatized. Prompted by this, she filed a police report, underwent a rape kit examination, and sought medical attention for injuries sustained during the assault.

Despite filing the police report and undergoing medical exams, Broomfield faced significant delays in her pursuit of justice, highlighting systemic issues. 

Broomfield’s case is not isolated. She is among 2,000 individuals suing Uber for allegedly failing to protect passengers from sexual abuse by its drivers. Many of these cases are still awaiting trial, with some slated for hearings as late as 2025. 

The prolonged legal process has compounded the trauma and challenges faced by survivors, who continue to navigate the complexities of seeking accountability and closure.

For Broomfield and others, the wait for resolution has been agonizing. The slow pace of legal proceedings has extended their emotional turmoil as well as exacerbated feelings of helplessness in the face of powerful corporations.

McDonald’s Corporation

McDonald’s, one of the largest fast-food chains in the world, has been embroiled in multiple lawsuits related to workplace harassment and assault. McDonald’s UK has faced significant scrutiny following reports of widespread harassment and abuse within its workforce. Since July 2023, the company received over 400 complaints from employees, including allegations of sexual assault, racial harassment, and bullying. 

The BBC investigation revealed instances of workers as young as 17 experiencing groping and harassment. It depicted a toxic workplace culture where such claims were allegedly disregarded.

Despite efforts to handle complaints through an investigation unit, concerns remain about the company’s prioritization of profit over worker protection. These concerns echo the sentiments of affected employees and union representatives alike.

Notable Cases

A McDonald’s franchisee, Rice Enterprises LLC, will pay $4.4 million to settle a lawsuit. It involves a 14-year-old girl sexually assaulted by restaurant manager Walter A. Garner, a registered sex offender.

The assault occurred in a Pittsburgh-area McDonald’s bathroom in 2021, as reported by AP News. Garner, who had a prior history of sexual offenses, pleaded guilty and is serving a prison sentence. 

The lawsuit brought attention to safety concerns at McDonald’s, leading to worker strikes in multiple cities in October 2021. Protesters demanded better protections against sexual harassment and violence in McDonald’s stores. 

Rice Enterprises fired Garner upon learning of the allegations. They also emphasized their commitment to improving workplace safety with enhanced training and security measures. McDonald’s USA condemned the assault, pledging to support franchisees with resources to prevent harassment.

Walmart Inc.

Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, has been involved in several lawsuits regarding workplace assault and harassment. In recent years, multiple employees have come forward with claims for the same by supervisors and colleagues. 

In 2023, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a lawsuit against Walmart Inc, Reuters reports. The lawsuit alleges the company failed to address severe sexual harassment of female employees by a manager at a West Virginia store. 

The complaint states that the manager made inappropriate advances, including offering money and attempting to coerce sexual acts. Despite complaints to Walmart’s human resources, the employee who reported the harassment was fired shortly after filing a complaint with the EEOC. 

The EEOC seeks policy revisions, back pay, and damages for the affected women amid other discrimination claims.


What constitutes sexual assault?

Sexual assault encompasses any non-consensual sexual contact or behavior, spanning from unwanted touching to rape.

Can I file a lawsuit against Uber for sexual assault?

Yes, you can file a lawsuit against Uber if you have been sexually assaulted by one of their drivers. Legal action can seek compensation for damages and hold Uber accountable for negligence in ensuring passenger safety.

Where can I find more information about these cases?

For more details, check news sources on corporate legal proceedings, statements from the companies, and legal analyses of workplace safety issues.

In summary, the legal battles faced by Uber, McDonald’s, and Walmart over assault cases underscore significant issues within corporate cultures. 

These cases serve as a wake-up call for companies worldwide. They highlight the importance of prioritizing the safety and well-being of employees and customers, ensuring a respectful and secure environment for all. 

The ongoing scrutiny and legal actions underscore the importance of accountability and transparency in building a better and safer corporate world.

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